April 2024 Meeting

During the April meeting, the Foragers received an update on their apiary. The hive has grown with the addition of some boxes, the hive was moved over to the left in the apiary, and the queen was located and marked green during the last inspection. The Foragers discussed their success in educating the public about […]

March 2024 Meeting

This month, the Foragers had their Skillathon game, which tests their knowledge about honeybees. The game is set up in the style of a Jeopardy game, with two rounds of questions and a final round for which each team can place wagers. The club split up into two teams: NAL and Honeybees. Some of the […]

February 2024 Meeting

At this month’s meeting, the Foragers learned about “Identifying Honeybees” from Dylan. We found out that drone bees are bigger bees, but they are not elongated or have pointed abdomens like the queen bee. Dylan also told us that he likes drone bees because they can’t sting and they look cute and furry. Members also […]

October 2023 Meeting

At this month’s meeting, the Foragers inducted the officers for the new year. Our new officers are: President: Lili Vice President: Sarah Secretary: Leah and Alexa Treasurer: Nina Historian: Taylor Reporter: Paul Pledge and Motto Leader: William The new officers were inducted in a “Trail Mix” ceremony, where members added different ingredients to create a […]

Foragers March 2023 Meeting

In this meeting, the club received an update from Sarah on the club’s apiary. We had our first inspection of the year. We currently have three hives, but only one hive was able to get inspected. Club members Sarah and Luther got to mark the queen and try the club’s honey! The members got to […]

Foragers June 2022 Meeting Update

It’s been a couple of months since we have been able to meet. We didn’t have our normal location due to voting events, and last month was a very short Zoom meeting. But…this month we were able to finally meeting in person at the club’s apiary. The meeting kicked off with club member Ellie giving […]

Foragers February 2022 Meeting

The Foragers were back to in-person meeting after the Zoom call we had last month due to Omicron. This meeting started with a presentation from Lili on the Evolution of Beehives. She had visited the Ukraine over the winter and found some interesting history of beekeeping there. Thanks for sharing Lili! Our program for the […]

Foragers Club Hive Update – Dec 2021

There was not much to report on the club hive. It’s colder these days, so we don’t need to do an inspection as often. We had a board that was put under the hive during the mite treatment at the December monthly meeting to show the members what it looks like after the treatment and […]

Foragers December 2021 Meeting

Our December meeting was full of fun this month. We first started with our officer inductions. We had a fun ceremony this year for 7 officers ending with a trail mix of ingredients that were added one by one by each officer. Freeze-dried strawberries: As the Foragers Club President, Sarah is the club’s leader. The […]

Forager August 2021 Meeting

The Foragers ended the summer with the final outdoor meeting and pool party. Club member Ashten invited the club to his house for the meeting. We held our annual officer nominations and speeches for the upcoming officer vote. We heard nominations and speeches for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Reporter, and Pledge/Motto Leader. After […]