Foragers Club Hive Update – April 2024

Club member Nina visited the club’s apiary in early April to do a hive inspection. Before the inspection, the hive had four five-frame boxes. Going into the boxes, she found very gentle bees and lots of brood. She was unable to locate the queen, but she did see eggs on several of the frames, so […]

New Apiary Location

The Foragers have moved to a new apiary in Virginia Beach. We have been so lucky to have had our first apiary hosted at club member Angel’s house, but the distance is making it harder to get to and properly care for the club’s hive. The the presentation of our club’s activities to the Norfolk […]

Foragers March 2023 Meeting

In this meeting, the club received an update from Sarah on the club’s apiary. We had our first inspection of the year. We currently have three hives, but only one hive was able to get inspected. Club members Sarah and Luther got to mark the queen and try the club’s honey! The members got to […]

Foragers June 2022 Meeting Update

It’s been a couple of months since we have been able to meet. We didn’t have our normal location due to voting events, and last month was a very short Zoom meeting. But…this month we were able to finally meeting in person at the club’s apiary. The meeting kicked off with club member Ellie giving […]

Foragers Club Hive(s) Update – March 2022

As we had suspected a few weeks back, the club hive was preparing to swarm. Ms. Sasha called us and told us that the bees had clustered on the post of the turkey cage in the apiary, which meant that they were getting ready to swarm. Luckily, they flew back to underneath the hive, and […]

Foragers Club Hive Update – Feb 2022

Our area finally had nice, warm weather that allowed us do to a hive inspection on the Foragers hive at our apiary at Ms. Sasha’s house. Two of our members, Giana and Gabriel, came to learn and take part in the inspection. During the inspection, we found the queen as well as brood in both […]

Foragers Club Hive Update – Dec 2021

There was not much to report on the club hive. It’s colder these days, so we don’t need to do an inspection as often. We had a board that was put under the hive during the mite treatment at the December monthly meeting to show the members what it looks like after the treatment and […]

Hive Winterization 2021

With colder weather on its way, the Foragers needed to prepare the club hive for winter. The last time we did an inspection, we also did a varroa mite check and found our count was six mites. This time we needed to recheck the mite count, do a treatment depending on the count, check the […]

Hive Update – Laying Queen

In the last update on the hive, our new queen successfully got mated and started laying. Last week, we found that she was still laying well.  We were able to find her on a frame in the top box, where the newer brood is located. Since it’s that time of year, we did a varroa […]

Hive Update – Many Queens

Since placing the club hive in the apiary, there has been much activity. We added a second box onto the hive. During inspections, we found several queen cells being built in the hive, giving an indication that the hive was preparing to swarm. During one of the inspections, one of the queens emerged so we […]