Foragers February 2022 Meeting

The Foragers were back to in-person meeting after the Zoom call we had last month due to Omicron. This meeting started with a presentation from Lili on the Evolution of Beehives. She had visited the Ukraine over the winter and found some interesting history of beekeeping there. Thanks for sharing Lili! Our program for the […]

Foragers Club Hive Update – Dec 2021

There was not much to report on the club hive. It’s colder these days, so we don’t need to do an inspection as often. We had a board that was put under the hive during the mite treatment at the December monthly meeting to show the members what it looks like after the treatment and […]

Foragers December 2021 Meeting

Our December meeting was full of fun this month. We first started with our officer inductions. We had a fun ceremony this year for 7 officers ending with a trail mix of ingredients that were added one by one by each officer. Freeze-dried strawberries: As the Foragers Club President, Sarah is the club’s leader. The […]

Foragers Club Hive Update – Nov 2021

Last month, the Foragers performed a varroa mite check on the club’s hive. Since we found a high mite load, we did a varroa mite treatment to rid them from the hive. We used the Formic Pro treatment which is a 14-day treatment and the only one that kills mites in the brood cells.  The […]

Foragers Attend the SE Bugfest

The Foragers were invited to attend the SE Bugfest to educate attendees about honeybees. Club members Paul, Sarah, and William manned the club’s table. They had a teaching hive and helped others make origami bees. Virginia Tech holds an annual bugfest in Blacksburg, VA, this was the first bugfest held locally. There was also a […]

Hive Winterization 2021

With colder weather on its way, the Foragers needed to prepare the club hive for winter. The last time we did an inspection, we also did a varroa mite check and found our count was six mites. This time we needed to recheck the mite count, do a treatment depending on the count, check the […]

Foragers September 2021 Meeting

This was our first meeting back in our normal location! We had two people who attended our club for the first time, and one of them, Cody, even ran for and was elected to the Vice President officer position.  We also got to meet our new 4-H agent, Jo. Our new officers for the 2021/2022 […]

Forager August 2021 Meeting

The Foragers ended the summer with the final outdoor meeting and pool party. Club member Ashten invited the club to his house for the meeting. We held our annual officer nominations and speeches for the upcoming officer vote. We heard nominations and speeches for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Reporter, and Pledge/Motto Leader. After […]

Hive Update – Laying Queen

In the last update on the hive, our new queen successfully got mated and started laying. Last week, we found that she was still laying well.  We were able to find her on a frame in the top box, where the newer brood is located. Since it’s that time of year, we did a varroa […]

Forager July 2021 Meeting

The Foragers continued their outdoor meeting format for the July meeting. We started with our business meeting. We discussed the update of the club hive, member record books, and project books for the hive inspection. Afterwards, we had our program, which this month was Lighting a Smoker since our members will need this skill for […]