Foragers Visit the Adult Bee Clubs

The club’s members conducted their adult bee club tours this spring. This is when club members visit each club and update the adult members on their accomplishments, as well as what the club has been doing, since last visiting. This time, the Foragers visited the Norfolk Beekeepers Association in March and the Tidewater Beekeepers Club […]

Foragers Attend the First Bulls and Barrels Beach Rodeo

This year, Virginia Beach hosted the first Bulls and Barrels Beach Rodeo, and the Foragers were invited to come out and teach rodeo goers about honeybees. It was a windy day at the beach, but there were lots of people that our members were able to educate about honeybees. We had an observation hive with […]

Foragers March 2023 Meeting

In this meeting, the club received an update from Sarah on the club’s apiary. We had our first inspection of the year. We currently have three hives, but only one hive was able to get inspected. Club members Sarah and Luther got to mark the queen and try the club’s honey! The members got to […]

Foragers February 2023 Meeting

This month’s meeting started with an educational presentation provided by club members Alexa and Leah on the history of bees. We learned a lot of interesting facts like: Beeswax was used to rustproof vehicles during World War II There were mobile beehives kept on boats in ancient Egypt Afterwards, our members started working on the […]

Foragers 2022 TBA Honey Judging Contest Winner

We would like to send a warm congratulations to our club member, William. His honey won second place in the annual honey tasting contest that the Tidewater Beekeeping Association organizes. William submitted his sample of honey in a contest full of adult beekeepers and took home second place. We are so proud of you, William!

Foragers January 2023 Meeting

January’s meeting was a lot of fun for our Forager members. We started with an educational presentation by William, who educated the club about how bees see. During this presentation, the Foragers learned that bees can’t see the color red and can see things six times faster than humans. The colors purple or blue are […]

Foragers June 2022 Meeting Update

It’s been a couple of months since we have been able to meet. We didn’t have our normal location due to voting events, and last month was a very short Zoom meeting. But…this month we were able to finally meeting in person at the club’s apiary. The meeting kicked off with club member Ellie giving […]

Foragers Club Hive(s) Update – March 2022

As we had suspected a few weeks back, the club hive was preparing to swarm. Ms. Sasha called us and told us that the bees had clustered on the post of the turkey cage in the apiary, which meant that they were getting ready to swarm. Luckily, they flew back to underneath the hive, and […]

Foragers Club Hive Update – Feb 2022

Our area finally had nice, warm weather that allowed us do to a hive inspection on the Foragers hive at our apiary at Ms. Sasha’s house. Two of our members, Giana and Gabriel, came to learn and take part in the inspection. During the inspection, we found the queen as well as brood in both […]