Foragers in Action: Educating Our Newest Generation

We are proud of our member Nina for her continuous efforts to educate the kindergarten classes at Red Mill Elementary. For several years now, she has been invited by kindergarten teacher Mrs. Young to educate the school’s youngest classes about our beloved honey bees.

Mrs. Young dedicates a special teaching unit about pollinators during April, and part of that includes her special guest beekeeper, Nina. On top of a general overview of honey bees, the students got to touch beeswax, smell propolis, and see a smoker and veil.

At the end of her presentation, Nina always takes questions from the students, and some of these questions make you think. This year, students asked why bees have wings, whether all bees sting, whether bees can swim, and why they eat honey. One student could even tell Nina what a pheromone was. Way to go Red Mill kindergartners!!

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