The club’s members conducted their adult bee club tours this spring. This is when club members visit each club and update the adult members on their accomplishments, as well as what the club has been doing, since last visiting.
This time, the Foragers visited the Norfolk Beekeepers Association in March and the Tidewater Beekeepers Club in May. We thank club members Lili, Luther, Sarah, William, Paul, and Nina for coming out and sharing their recent accomplishments. Some of what our members shared include:
- Club members Sarah, Paul, and William currently have two hives
- Paul caught two swarms in 2022
- Luther had won a blue ribbon for his club officer’s scrapbook
- Lili had participated in the Bees Knees Outreach Project and also volunteered to paint the club’s beehive
- Nina gives honey presentations to the local elementary kindergarten classes school every year around Earth Day
- Club leader Aimee gave an overview of our club’s apiary, which was a new development since the last visit to the adult clubs
We want to give our big thanks to each club for donating to the the 4-H Foragers and the support that it provides in teaching the next generation of beekeepers.