January’s meeting was a lot of fun for our Forager members. We started with an educational presentation by William, who educated the club about how bees see. During this presentation, the Foragers learned that bees can’t see the color red and can see things six times faster than humans. The colors purple or blue are the most attractive flower colors to bees.

William Presents on Honey Bee Vision
The club members also found out that their efforts to conduct a canned food drive in December resulted in collecting 44 pounds of food. Good job, Foragers!
The last portion of our meeting was the honey-tasting program. Our members were able to taste 11 different kinds of honey from around the world. Honey types included sage, manuka, carrot flower, blackberry, and tupelo, among others. We thank Ms. Leah for putting this program together.

Foragers Tasting Various Honey Types