Foragers February 2022 Meeting

The Foragers were back to in-person meeting after the Zoom call we had last month due to Omicron. This meeting started with a presentation from Lili on the Evolution of Beehives. She had visited the Ukraine over the winter and found some interesting history of beekeeping there. Thanks for sharing Lili!

Our program for the evening was our Skillathon, which is basically honeybee Jeopardy. We had two rounds and one final wager question. Examples of some of our questions are:

  • This is the name for the honey bee’s eyes that do not see images, but allow the honey bee to use sunlight for navigation.
  • This is the percentage of water found in honey.
  • And our final question: This is the name of the reproductive mode by which males develop from unfertilized eggs?

The club was split into two teams, the Buzzy Bees and the PotatoSalad. The Skillathon champions were the PotatoSalad. Congratulations to them. Thanks to Ms. Aimee for getting $5 cards to Starbucks for the winners and candy for all players. Also, thanks goes to Factile for providing a free Jeopardy game resource and to for having a very functional and easy-to-use buzzer application.

Posted in Honey Bee Education, Monthly Meeting.

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