Foragers Club Hive Update – Feb 2022

Our area finally had nice, warm weather that allowed us do to a hive inspection on the Foragers hive at our apiary at Ms. Sasha’s house. Two of our members, Giana and Gabriel, came to learn and take part in the inspection. During the inspection, we found the queen as well as brood in both […]

Foragers February 2022 Meeting

The Foragers were back to in-person meeting after the Zoom call we had last month due to Omicron. This meeting started with a presentation from Lili on the Evolution of Beehives. She had visited the Ukraine over the winter and found some interesting history of beekeeping there. Thanks for sharing Lili! Our program for the […]

Foragers Club Hive Update – Dec 2021

There was not much to report on the club hive. It’s colder these days, so we don’t need to do an inspection as often. We had a board that was put under the hive during the mite treatment at the December monthly meeting to show the members what it looks like after the treatment and […]

Foragers December 2021 Meeting

Our December meeting was full of fun this month. We first started with our officer inductions. We had a fun ceremony this year for 7 officers ending with a trail mix of ingredients that were added one by one by each officer. Freeze-dried strawberries: As the Foragers Club President, Sarah is the club’s leader. The […]