September marks the close of the 4H year and October starts the new year. That means our club holds elections during the September meeting. We got to hear several speeches from club members telling us what office they wanted to run for and why the club should vote for them to hold the position. Congratulations to the following members in their new officer positions: Paul (President), Alexia (Vice President), Ashten (Treasurer), Gabby (Secretary), Sarah (Historian), Lynn (Reporter), and Ellie (Pledge and Motto Leader). And a thank you to our outgoing officers who have executed their jobs skillfully during the 2018/2019 year.
We ended our meeting with a brainstorming session with the club members for program ideas for the upcoming year. In 4H clubs, a strong tenet of membership is that the youth members are involved in running their club. All officer positions are held by youth. In addition, it is important that the club’s programming is driven by the youth as well (with help from the adults). The Foragers brainstormed ideas for community service projects, club programs, and fundraisers. Club leader, Jen, was so proud of all of the involvement for the club and these ideas will be written about in the upcoming months. The club sends thanks to Sarah Farley, our 4H agent for moderating the brainstorming session and capturing all of the ideas. Ms. Jen has now challenged each member to pick one of the ideas and create a proposal plan to present at a future meeting for the club to vote on using this planning worksheet.